A casual friend on
Facebook is
threatening to
defriend all "
parentzillas" because of too many updates complaining about their kids. I quickly glanced back at the past several months of my profile updates to see if I was an offender. I was not, although I was a bit surprised. I admit I do complain about my kids-maybe I save it for my dearest mommy friends or keep those thoughts to myself. And, well, sometimes I think my husband bears the brunt of the complaining.
But more than any posting on
Facebook, what I don't want to do is complain with the kids, or yell at them, or get frustrated, or break down and cry with them, but I do- sometimes. So, I vow to yell less, listen more; smile more, frown less; laugh more, cry less. It's been a hard two years with personal, financial and work stress. I don't want these baby years, okay toddler years, to slip by too fast. So, I want to thank my
Facebook friend for the wake up call. Of course, being childless, he can very easily say "children are a blessing." He doesn't know the worry, frustration, exhaustion of raising kids, let alone one child with special needs, but he's 100 percent right. My children are the great blessing in my life and I'll say it on
Facebook, in blogs and over coffee. If that makes me a different sort of
Parentzilla-the kind who brags about her kids-so be it.